24/7 Call center:

+66 6000 353 48

+7 495 975 96 45

History of the company

BEST SERVICE Assistance is medical assistance, TPA and multi-profile assistance company providing exceptional support for tourists, expatriates, corporations, insurance companies and individuals in South East Asia, Russia, CIS and Worldwide.


«BEST SERVICE» is a holding company established on the territory of Thailand Kingdom and providing wide scope of services for its clients.

In 2007 «BEST SERVICE Property» and «BEST SERVICE Lawyer» were established, the main key activities of which are: real estate development, construction of luxury villas in Thailand and legal support.

In 2011 «BEST SERVICE Beauty & Health» was added. The company’s area involves all kinds of treatment including aesthetic surgery, medical tourism support and IFV (in vitro fertilization).

In 2013 «BEST SERVICE Assistance» was launched. We started to provide assistance for tourists and expatriates in Russia and Thailand and then in the whole world. From the beginning of our work we have been gradually expanding our area of services by establishing positive long-term relationships with the local healthcare providers, both private and public. Every year we handle a huge variety of cases including complicated hospitalizations, surgeries, evacuations, repatriations, outpatient cases and many others for our customers.

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