24/7 Call center:

+66 6000 353 48

+7 495 975 96 45

Expat Assistance

BEST SERVICE Assistance is medical assistance, TPA and multi-profile assistance company providing exceptional support for tourists, expatriates, corporations, insurance companies and individuals in South East Asia, Russia, CIS and Worldwide. We ensure maximum savings and high level of assistance care for our clients providing for them wide range of services:


«BEST SERVICE Assistance» provides 24/7 medical and other assistance for people who lives and works abroad.

We offer our own network of medical providers in CIS and SEA countries that gives our customers the highest quality of medical care.

Our company offers various kinds of service for expatriates:

  • Housecall visits
  • Ambulance service
  • Periodic check-ups and monitoring
  • Direct Billing Services
  • Medical advice of personal doctor from the hospital
  • Emergency medical assistance
  • Language support
  • Medical transportation
  • Prescription medication
  • Mental health monitoring
  • All these are among many other services which our clients enjoy.
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